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Online Therapy for Infertility in California

Compassionate support to find hope and healing

Have you been struggling with infertility?

Maybe you've been secretly going through infertility testing or perhaps you feel all alone in figuring out your next steps. You may be overwhelmed by finding out scary information, or simply your hormones are out of control. Perhaps you’re feeling desperate or hopeless.

Whatever it is that you're experiencing, you're beginning to notice the impact in every facet of your life:

  • Feeling overwhelmed all the time

  • Struggling to stay focused and productive

  • More reactive or shutdown in your relationships

  • Experiencing intense emotions

  • Not making time for the things you love

Online therapy for infertility can help.

Exercising with Baby

It may feel impossible now, but you can get back to a happy-go-lucky version of yourself. You can feel confident in your journey. You can confidently make it through this process. And I can help you get there.


Therapy for Infertility helps you do 4 things:

  1. Reminds you that you are not alone

  2. Holds space for you during this challenging time

  3. Identifies your supports

  4. Allows you to focus on one step at a time


Young Moms

I will help you through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to therapy for infertility comes from a place of having been there myself and believing you are not the problem but that it's simply the system you're stuck in that needs fixing.​

Overwhelming anxiety and doubting your infertility process does NOT have to be your story.

I can help you get there.

Q: What is therapy for infertility like?

A: Therapy consists of 50 minute long weekly or biweekly sessions. During the sessions the therapist will be a supportive listener as the fellow therapist breaks down current upsets at their own pace. I will provide insight and challenge you to reflect on unhelpful ways of communicating and acting that are causing distress. Often times, I lead clients through awareness and mindfulness exercises for additional felt relief. Goals and progress are reflected on regularly to provide acknowledgement, encouragement, and validation.


Q: How long do I need to be in therapy? 

A: The length of therapy is very dependent on the client and their individual needs and circumstances. Some fellow therapists find relief after just a few months of therapy and others take a bit longer. The pace and length of therapy is really up to the client's desire and ability to implement learned tools/understandings in their personal lives.


Q: How do I know if therapy for infertility will work for me?

A: While no therapist can make guarantees, if you show up to sessions and choose to show up for yourself, most clients find relief and start to feel better. Many of today's solutions in therapy are one-size-fits-all, leading so many to feel dependent on their therapist or like they're not making any real progress. I know that your circumstances are unique, so every step is tailored to you and always with your end goals in mind.


Q: How do we get started?

A: Reach out by sending a message, emailing, or calling. We will arrange a quick 15 minute phone chat. Our conversation will consist of you sharing a little about what is going on and me answering any questions you may have. We will both have a chance to decide if we are a good fit. Then, I will get some general information so I can email you a few forms to fill out and sign before our first session. therapy near me for anxiety

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