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Online Sexual Trauma Therapy 
in California

Are you noticing that you feel unsafe in many scenarios?

Maybe you're noticing a lot of self-blame about what happened, or perhaps you are feeling that the trauma overshadows other aspects of your life.


You may be experiencing distressing flashbacks or intrusive thoughts of the assault, or simply you're avoiding physical and emotional intimacy.


Perhaps you’re experiencing physical symptoms such as headaches, gastrointestinal issues, or chronic pain that may be linked to psychological distress.

​Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact in every facet of your life:

  x  Having anxiety around being judged or blamed for the assault

  x  Feeling scared about being taken advantage of again 

  x  Experiencing panic attacks or dissociation

woman in maroon scoop neck shirt with ri

Online Therapy for survivors of sexual abuse can help.

It may be impossible now, but you can feel secure and protected from harm. You can experience relief from anxiety, fear, and distress.


You can believe in your worth and abilities. 


Online Sexual Trauma Therapy helps you do 5 things:

  1. Have a solid understanding of how trauma affects your mind and body, recognizing triggers and better responding

  2. Create a supportive network of friends and family that offer unconditional support

  3. Maintain a structured daily routine that balanced out self-care, work, and social activities

  4. Engage in activities that provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment

  5. Feel valued and competent while positively influencing those around you

Image by Levi Guzman

I’ll help you through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances.


My approach to therapy for victims of sexual assaults comes from a place of understanding and empowerment : focusing on helping you regain a sense of control and agency over your life.

It's time to stop blaming yourself to become a source of strength and inspiration.



Q: Can sexual assault cause PTSD?

A: Yes, sexual assault can cause Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop after an individual experiences or witnesses a traumatic event, such as sexual assault. A significant number of sexual assault survivors develop PTSD. The symptoms of PTSD can include intrusive memories or flashbacks, avoidance of reminders of the trauma, negative changes in mood and cognition, and heightened arousal and reactivity (such as being easily startled or having difficulty sleeping).​  Various factors can influence the likelihood of developing PTSD after a sexual assault, including the severity and duration of the assault, the individual's personal and mental health history, the level of support received after the assault, and any previous history of trauma.​


Q: What are therapy for sexual assault survivor sessions like?

A: Slow and ALWAYS at your pace. Therapy consists of 50 minute long weekly sessions. During the sessions the therapist will be a supportive listener as you provide a brief history and identifies negative thoughts that they would like to be replaced. Then, improving self-care and practicing calming tools are focused on. Next, goals and progress are reflected on regularly to provide acknowledgement, encouragement, and validation.


Q: How long do I need to be in therapy?

A: The length of therapy is very dependent on the client and their individual needs and circumstances. Some clients find complete relief after just a few months of therapy and others take a bit longer. The pace and length of therapy is really up to the client's desire and ability to implement learned tools/understandings in their personal lives.


Q: How do I know if therapy for the experienced sexual trauma will work for me?

A: While no therapist can make guarantees, if a client shows up to sessions and chooses to show up for themselves, most all clients find relief and start to feel better. Many of today's solutions for therapy are one-size-fits-all, leading so many to feel dependent on their therapist or like they're not making any real progress. I know that your circumstances are unique, so every step is tailored to you and always with your end goals in mind. 


Q: How do we get started? sexual trauma therapy near me

A: Reach out by sending a message, emailing, or calling. We will arrange a quick 15 minute phone chat. Our conversation will consist of you sharing a little about what is going on and me answering any questions you may have. We will both have a chance to decide if we are a good fit. Then, I will get some general information so I can email you a few forms to fill out and sign before our first session. That's it!

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